![10_Simon Carter, Hipkin’s Beach [69].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd1c6839b8fe83846504f0d/1549468925570-GRKTXDCARQK92OE9UCPJ/10_Simon+Carter%2C+Hipkin%E2%80%99s+Beach+%5B69%5D.jpg)
Members Gallery
Colchester Art Society has 375 members, many of whom are practicing artists. This Gallery features recent work from some of those practicing artists. For more information about each artist, and to access more of their work, please click on their image in the Gallery below.
If you are a member of CAS and would like to be included in the gallery the instructions to submit your work are at the bottom of this page.
Submit Works
Any member of the Colchester Art Society is welcome to submit works to be exhibited in the Gallery. To do so please send a maximum of 4 good quality digital photographs of work done in the last 5 years to colchesterartsociety.mail@gmail.com with the subject heading Members Gallery. Works should be photographed unframed and evenly lit and cropped to the edge of the work. Please note that it will not be possible to use poor images.
You should send the images as jpegs each with a maximum file size of 2MB. The file name of each image should include the title of the work, the medium used and the dimensions in centimetres.
Please also send a brief resumé (fewer than 200 words) about yourself and/or your work, together with your website or other contact details.