Jonah's Escape, Etching, 45 x 57 cm
Fishers of Men, Etching, 59.5 x 42 cm
Smack in Besom Fleet, Etching, 29.5 x 36 cm
The 'Rosetta' on Packing Marsh Island, Etching, 29 x 46.5 cm
Elizabeth Morris
Liz is a printmaker & most of her etchings stem from two island environments.They are Heir island in West Cork & Mersea island , where the coast line, & the tiny Packing Marsh Island, often provide subject matter for her work. Recently too, she has used biblical stories & poems as ‘starting off’ points for her prints.
Her work has been shown widely in East Anglia. At Hayletts in Malden, the John Russell in Ipswich, Bircham in Holt & at Essex University. She has shown at the R.A. Summer Exhibition, at ‘Originals’ at the Mall Galleries,at the Eastern Open, the Barbican, the National Theatre, & the Affordable Art Show.
Prints are in collections including that of Colchester Castle & the House of Lords. Ian Collins shows her images in ‘Water Marks’& she is featured in ‘Sussex Jewels’.
Together with other ‘Island Artists’ she opens her studio in early June & people are always welcome by appointment.
01206 385 141
Stone House 112, Coast Road
West Mersea, CO5 8NA