Near Hill House Wood, Autumn, Watercolour, 40 x 30 cm
Near Hill House Wood, Snow Falls, Watercolour, 40 x 30 cm
Near Hill House Wood, Snow Settles, Watercolour, 40 x 30 cm
Marilyn, Watercolour, 40 x 30 cm
David Welham
A couple of solo exhibitions including oils and acrylics as well as watercolours led to commissions which were mostly for portraits and landscapes of moderate scale. Watercolour seemed appropriate; and, having continued to enjoy regular life-classes over thirty years or so, I welcomed using a medium for which drawing and craftsmanship are important. I came to find the delicacy of hue and the subtlety which watercolour offers to be perfect for what has become my present and burgeoning preoccupation: landscape of the Suffolk/Essex border, where my family has deep roots. With so much anguish and ugliness about, I hope in my pictures to encapsulate some of nature’s beauty and to share my pleasure in it. How wonderful that Ruskin is regaining respect; and how wonderful if I were to paint a picture which left the viewer a tad more cheerful…