Flatford in Flood, 2022, Acrylic, 28 x 34 cm
Sea Wall, 2022, Acrylic, 17.5 x 27.5 cm
Old Hall Marshes, 2022, Acrylic, 19 x 27 cm
Blackwater Sparkle, 2021, Acrylic, 33.5 x 24 cm
Alison Scott
I was brought up in the Isle of Man, surrounded by beautiful mountains, glens and coves, but for most of my adult life I have lived in East Anglia, where the flat, marshy coast could not be more different.
I like to paint wild and lonely places at home and abroad, working in acrylics and pastels. I try to convey my excitement and awe when confronting an untamed landscape. My main influences have been the North American tradition of plein air painting, which combines a respect for the real with an emphasis on atmosphere, colour and light.
I took up painting seriously after retiring from academia and public service, being trained through many courses and workshops with masters and mistresses of this tradition.