![18_Henry Collins, Colne from West Bergholt [58].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd1c6839b8fe83846504f0d/1713177399857-UW09JJTAV0X27OMO0WU5/18_Henry+Collins%2C+Colne+from+West+Bergholt+%5B58%5D.jpg)
About the Society
The Colchester Art Society was formed in 1946 for the promotion of the visual arts by a group of artists based in the Colchester School of Art. Amongst the earliest members were John Nash, Cedric Morris, Arthur Lett-Haines, Henry Collins and Roderic Barrett. The Society has maintained a lively programme of exhibitions and other activities for over 70 years.
Membership is open to all who practice, or have an enthusiasm for, the visual arts. Our membership is limited to 375 members.
The Society organises two major exhibitions each year in Colchester, one in the summer and one in the winter. These exhibitions are open to submissions from members and are subject to selection by a panel elected by the members. Additional exhibitions are organised from time to time.
Other activities include Spring and Autumn lectures delivered by prominent professional artists, organised visits to a variety of venues of art interest, and informal social gatherings.
A newsletter is published every four months. Members are kept informed of our activities via the newsletter, email circulars and our social media accounts.

If you are not a member of Colchester Art Society, but would like to receive emails about our upcoming exhibitions and lectures, please join our new mailing list by clicking the image above.